Lord Dhanvantri appeared with the nectar pot during the churning of the ocean on the Trayodashi date of Krishna Paksha of Kartik month (Purnimanta), hence this date is known as Dhanteras or Dhantrayodashi. The Government of India has decided to celebrate Dhanteras as National Ayurveda Day.

In Jain Agama, Dhanteras is also called ‘Dhanya Teras’ or ‘Dhyan Teras’. Lord Mahavir had gone to Yoga Nirodh on this day to go into the third and fourth meditation. After three days of meditation and doing Yoga Nirodh, he attained Nirvana on the day of Diwali. Since then this day became famous as Blessed Teras.

Dhanvantari Puja

When Dhanvantri appeared, he had a pot full of nectar in his hands. Since Lord Dhanvantari appeared with a Kalash, there is a tradition of buying utensils on this occasion. According to popular belief, it is also said that buying money (things) on this day increases it thirteen times. On this occasion, people sow these seeds in their gardens or fields.

There is also a tradition of buying silver on the day of Dhanteras; When that is not possible, people buy utensils made of silver. The reason behind this is believed to be that it is a symbol of the moon which provides coolnes and wealth in the form of contentment resides in the mind. Satisfaction has been called the greatest wealth. He who has contentment is healthy, happy, and he is the richest. Lord Dhanvantari who is also the god of medicine. There is no greater wealth than the wealth of satisfaction to wish for health and well-being from them. People also buy idols for worshiping Lakshmi and Ganesha on the night of Diwali on this day itself.

There is also a tradition of lighting lamps outside the main gate of the house and in the courtyard on the evening of Dhanteras. There is a folk tale behind this practice. According to the story, once upon a time there was a king whose name was Hem. By divine grace he was blessed with a son, Ratna. When the astrologer made the horoscope of the child, they found out that the child would die just four days after his marriage. The king was very sad to know this and sent the prince to a place where no woman’s shadow could fall. By chance, one day a princess passed by and both of them became fascinated after seeing each other and got married to the Gandharvas.

After the marriage, the rituals came to light and four days after the marriage, Yamdoot came to take the life of that prince. When Yamdoot Prince was taking his life, his heart was moved after hearing the lamentation of his newly married wife. But according to the law he had to do his work. While the messengers of Yamraj were saying this to Yamraj, at the same time one of them requested Yamdevta – O Yamraj! Is there no solution by which man can become free from untimely death? Due to this request of the messenger, Lord Yama said, O messenger! Untimely death is the result of karma, I will tell you an easy way to get rid of it, so listen. The person who worships in my name and offers the lamp towards the south on the Trayodashi night of Kartik Krishna Paksha, has no fear of untimely death. This is the reason why people keep lamps lit outside the house towards the south on this day.


Dhanvantari is the physician of the gods and the god of medicine, hence the day of Dhanteras is very important for doctors. In the context of Dhanteras, there is a popular story that once Yamraj asked the messengers of Yama that while putting the living beings to sleep in the lap of death, do you never feel a feeling of compassion in your mind? Due to fear of Yamadevta, the messengers first said that they performed their duty and followed his orders, but when Yamadevta removed the fear from the minds of the messengers, they said that once while talking the life of king Hema’s celibate son, he Our heart ached after hearing the lamentation of the newly married wife, but according to the law, we could not do anything even if we wanted to.

While talking, a messenger asked Yamraj whether there was any way to avoid untimely death. Answering this question, Lord Yama said that the person who lights a lamp in the south direction in the name of Yama on the evening of Dhanteras does not die untimely death. According to this belief, on the evening of Dhanteras, people light lamps in the courtyard in the name of Lord Yama. On this day people also keep a fast in the name of Lord Yama.

On the day of Dhanteras, worship Lord Dhanvantari by lighting a lamp. Pray to Lord Dhanvantari for maintaining health. A silver vessel and a gold or silver coin with Lakshmi and Ganesh engraved on it are considered. On the night of Diwali, offerings are made to Lord Shri Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi. It is said that Lord Dhanvantari and Mother Lakshmi were born at the time of churning of the ocean, that is why Lord Dhanvantari and Mother Lakshmi are worshiped on Dhanteras. Dhanteras is celebrated two days before Diwali.